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Calm Little Minds

Calm Little Minds

Supporting you through your family’s mental wellbeing journey
Why mental wellbeing?

Mental wellbeing is essential to our overall health and happiness. It included our emotions, feelings, our ability to be resilient, cope with everyday stress, social wellbeing, and if we can make healthy choices.
It affects how we feel, think and act. Mental wellbeing is important in every stage of our life beginning in early childhood and continuing up to the end of life.

For parents

When we first become parents, we are taught how to take care of our child’s physical needs. After that, we are pretty much left in the dark when it comes to raising emotionally healthy people but also how to take care of our mental health. When it comes to the most challenging role of our life, we are left clueless. Taking care of our mental wellbeing is like eating healthily to prevent ill physical health. Parents need to be taken care of- and that is how we are here to support you.

For children

Our children are our everything and they are the future of our world. We are taught how to take care of their teeth, their weight, their eyes but we are not taught how to take care of their feelings, how to support them through stressful situations, and how to raise resilient and happy human beings. At Calm Little Minds we acknowledge that and have are here to help families make impactful changes in their mental wellbeing.

Calm, fun, and, engaging

We have developed activities for parents and children to spend quality time together whilst learning about mental wellbeing. Prepare to have deep, meaningful conversations, have fun and feel calm and connected.
Mental wellbeing is a process and not the destination. Is about how you drive, not where you are going.
Make your mental well-being a priority!